
Is Mango The Best Smash Player

Mango is a professionnal Super Boom Bros. Melee player known for his aggressivity, insane mix-up and skilful mindgame, and for being i of the V Gods of Melee.


  • ane Playstyle
  • ii Competitive History
    • 2.1 2007 and 2008 : The Child
    • 2.2 2009 : two tournament, 2 legendary moment
    • 2.3 2010 to 2012 : mixed year for the Goat
    • two.4 EVO 2013
    • two.5 2014, Mango come back in the Contest
    • ii.6 2015 to 2017, the decline of Mango
    • 2.7 2018 and 2019, Mango in the cease of the Era of the V Gods
    • 2.viii 2020, Online Play : Mango is back

Playstyle [ ]

Mango is actually aggressive, and if he tin can calm down and be more defensive nowaday, he was in the time constantly at the role player face. PPMD described one time that Mango pressure come from "being all over the place". This strategy work a lot of the time because Mango can reads people listen with ease, know when they feel confident, when they are in fear or panicking. Information technology also mean that he is a read-heavy player, responsible of some legendary hard read in the history of Smash, for case against Armada at GENESIS or against Hungrybox at EVO 2013.

Ane of his primary asset is his unorthodox choices, choising alternative strategy that are not "meta" in definition. Ane of the all-time example for this is the 4 match of the Loser Round viii of GENESIS four, with the choice of a up-b saving Mango in a very special situation. Mango always surprises by using technics non everyone is familiar with, and this gameplay was a nightmare to fight against for Mew2King.

Up until 2009, he played Puff, until he changed to Trick and Falco. This change is ofttimes cited as i of the reason for 20XX.

Competitive History [ ]

2007 and 2008 : The Kid [ ]

Mango begin to play competitively the game in 2007, when he is 15 years old. And already, Mango become in the memory, every bit EVO 2007 is happening. He beat Mew2King that was in one of his best year and fifty-fifty Ken in winners semi. If Ken beat him once again during a Loser Run, the performance of Mango is still remembered, even if smahs analyst of that time refer to Mango'southward win as a "fluke", even more that Mango at the time play Jigglypuff, inspired by the combo video of an aggressive puff player named Male monarch.

Mango (2007).jpg

The second major tournament Mango take function in is Pound 3 in February 2008. Mango win this tournament, the first national one of his career, and not without prestige : he beat out every good player in his way , like PC Chris, Chudat, Azen and even beat Mew2King two set in a row. Pound iii was the proof everyone needed to come across that Mango is good, and this tournament was the simply time Mew2King finished second in 2008.

2009 : 2 tournament, two legendary moment [ ]

In 2009, Mango will shine in two major tournament : GENESIS and Revival of Melee.

The first tournament was Revival of Melee in March. Revival of Melee was called to be a final major tournament before Melee dies. In it, a lot of role player answered the call : PC Chris, ChuDat Azen, Hungrybox, Mew2King and of course, Mango. the TOs make up one's mind to make the bracket extremely hard for Mango, with a lot of actually skilful player similar Cactuar, Zhu, PC Chris, Chudat and Azen. Merely Mango make his mode to the subclass and defeat Mew2King in winner semi-finals. If Mew2King make a comeback on the now iconic Mew2King vs DaShizWiz set, Mango win the tournament by taking down Mew2King with secondary character. Information technology was clear : Mango was northward°1 in the globe.

Second tournament was GENESIS on July 2009. 4 Gods are fighting in this tournament : Mango, Mew2King, Hungrybox and a unknown player from Sweden, Fleet. It will be the semi-finals winner and Grand Terminal where Mango shine, as he fight Fleet, who have browbeaten every role player in his path including Mew2King. If at beginning, Mango don't accept seriously Armada in the winners last, picking Falco, the Swedish Sniper will perform smashing against him, winning against Mango and sending him to losers concluding. Mango go through the subclass, defeating Hungrybox in a Puff ditto and encounter again Armada in Grand Final. Mango has it puff and the fight goes on. And and so, match 4 happen.

Mango and Fleet have ane stock each. But Mango read through Armada, and launch himself to him as Armada is rolling to the right. The Remainder following kill Fleet, in ane of the greatest read of history. Later that, Fleet is exhausted and lose in the reset of Grand Final, making Mango the winner of GENESIS. This event will persuade people not to forget Melee, an idea that began with Revival of Melee.

The true skill of Mango was showing, merely it doesnt mean he didn't had downside, as his fourth place in the Revival of Melee two that aforementioned year evidence, where he was beaten 2-one against Kage, a Ganondorf player.

2010 to 2012 : mixed year for the Caprine animal [ ]


If 2009 was a really expert year for Mango, the two following years are mixed. It begin well, with good results from Mango : 1st identify for Pound 4, the first tournament with all the Five Gods of Melee in attendance, 2nd identify at GENESIS 2, losing only to Armada and winning very violently against Taj, 2-0 him with both a 3 stocks and a 4 stocks.

But Mango as well had bad issue during these years. He finish 25th at APEX, long behind the others Gods, he get a 9th at Revival of Melee 3 and 17th at Pound V. The main reasons for these bads result are a lose of interest in competition for Mango, leading to the creation of Scorpion Chief, a username Mango would use to enter in tournament. He would play secondaries during these periods, mainly Mario and Captain Falcon.

The last tournament of 2011 was Revival of Melee 4. In this tournament, it will exist the first time Mango will play the Spacies : Fox and Falcon, separating himself from Jigglypuff. With a new Mango and new characters, he regain involvement in competition : he finish 1st of the tournament, winning over Mew2King and PPMD.

During 2012, if he doesnt get outset place in major tournament, Mango is beginning again a threat in the competitive scene, now that he is playing more seriously while still being Mango.

EVO 2013 [ ]

Mango (2013).jpg

For the starting time time since 2007, EVO take Melee in his main game. And the TOs are doing everything to make it groovy : the 5 Gods of Melee are present, even Armada that retired from the competitive scene. Ken come back to tournaments to defend the championship he gain in 2007. 709 attendance. The tournament is the greatest ever, surpassing GENESIS and Pound iv. Mango became a legend during that EVO.

Mango go through his pools but lose in his first prepare of winner bracket against Wobbles. Simply then, he do his Loser Run, going through Taj, Sfat, Water ice, PPMD, Armada, Hungrybox and make it to Grand Concluding, seeing again Wobble, that was playing really well that tournament. This time, Mango win and take with him the beginning identify of EVO 2013, the greatest tournament of that fourth dimension. It became articulate that he was number one.

Just later EVO 2013, he does not participate in a lot of tournament, taking a suspension after this incredible performance.

2014, Mango come back in the Competition [ ]

Mango (2014).jpg

In 2014, Mango come out of his pause and goes on to dominate and will notably be a wall to Mew2King for that period, beating him in a lot of tournament like Revival of Melee 7. He goes on later to win major tournament, like the return of Melee in MLG with MLG Anaheim 2014 and winning EVO 2014, beating Mew2King ands Hungrybox two times in a row. The i God that do oppose resistance against him is Armada, notably in CEO 2014.

In 2014, Mango is signed in Cloud9 Esport team, in the Smash Bros Melee branch.

2015 to 2017, the refuse of Mango [ ]

If he dominated during 2013 and 2014, the professionnalisation of Melee will piece of work against Mango, as the role player stop falling in the traps of Mango. He finish 3rd in B.Eastward.A.S.T 5, losing to Leffen, his offset loss against him and get 3-0 by Armada.

Apex 2015 ringlet past, one of the greatest Melee tournament ever. Reacting to the loss of Chillin during the Salty Suite of Apex, he say to Leffen that if he meet him in bracket, he put "i one thousand on it". They do meet in the bracket, and Leffen win 3-one confronting him and if he practise beat aMSa, Armada do trounce him iii-0, resulting in one of the worst performance of Mango in a major tournament.

Mango get beaten by players similar Axe and Westballz in MVG Sandstorm 2015, Plup in Dreamhack Winter 2015 and volition even lose to Hungrybox in EVO 2015 after a actually difficult mindgame from Hungrybox against Mango, and from Mew2King with a 3-0 in Large Firm five. The main opponent of Mango is Armada, failing oft against him.

2016 doesn't change for Mango, consistently failing confronting Hungrybox who began his domination and a Armada in his prime number. He place 2d at GENESIS 3, losing against Armada and placing second at Battle of the 5 Gods, losing against Hungrybox. This aforementioned Hungrybox will dfeat him in EVO 2016.

These two players will become the black sheep of Mango, always failing confronting him and his victories over PPMD and Mew2King being non equally prestigious as before, PPMD beingness on the brink to retire and Mew2King sharing his time betwixt two Boom game one time more than. The only shining time he had was during WTFox two, where he win against Fleet with a iii-0.

GENESIS 4 begin 2017 and if Mango go through the entire bracket, Armada defeat him in a 3-0 in Grand Final that lasted nine minutes. Mango doesn't seem to exist in his prime, and his decline is reinforced when he lose against ChuDat, Mew2King and Plup, with again Armada and Hungrybox ever being in his way, Fleet taking EVO 2017 from him and Hungrybox taking Shine 2017.

Big House 7 was the beginning Big Business firm Mango didn't won in a streak, losing to Armada in a tournament won by Hungrybox.

2018 and 2019, Mango in the end of the Era of the Five Gods [ ]

These two years doesn't change a lot, as Mango still fall behind Armada, Hungrybox only also Leffen and Plup.

2d at GENESIS, where he did destroy Leffen with a 3-0 simply end up losing against Hungrybox, 7th in Smash'n'Splash iv, losing to Mew2King and then to Zain. In Super Smash Con 2018, Mango place 65th, dropping out of the tournament after losing to Flipsy. He cease 3rd at Shine 2018, winning through the entire subclass but to lose against Zain and Hungrybox. He place third at Large House, beaten past Hungrybox and Plup fifty-fifty tho he defeated Leffen 3-1.

Mango didn't had anymore big victory during that time, stopped again and over again with player at their peak of power like Leffen and Hungrybox

2020, Online Play : Mango is back [ ]

If 2020 was a quieter year due to COVID-xix, the Slippi netcode permitted online tournament with greatly reduced lag and near-CRT experience. He win Ludwig Ahgren Championship Serial three, ane of the major tournament organized online and past the end of 2020, he was considered one of the all-time role player of Melee.


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