
Freedom Fighters The Ray Season 2

TechRadar Verdict

The Misfit Ray's unusual looks will appeal to some, but it's severely limited in terms of functionality – non to the lowest degree because of the almost non-existent display – and struggles to justify its price tag.


  • +

    Unusual pattern

  • +

    Slick software

  • +

    half dozen-month battery life


  • -

    Bones features

  • -

    Quite expensive

  • -

    Doesn't office every bit a watch

The Misfit Ray is a way-obsessed fitness tracker. It wants to exist idea of as a slice of jewellery as much as a piece of tech.

As a result, though, it's fairly expensive for what is a rather basic device. Information technology costs £79, $99, AU$135, so while information technology's cheaper than your average Android Article of clothing watch, information technology arguably does a fleck less than the cheaper Fitbit Flex.

Design and features

The commencement matter to become your head around is that the Misfit Ray does not tell the time. With only a unmarried tiny little multi-colour LED on its front, a watch face just isn't an option.

Let's take a closer expect at what the Misfit Ray is made of. Its body is an aluminium tube, the straps a translucent rubbery silicone.

Misfit Ray review

The tube is no mere style offering, though. Twist effectually one of the sides of the strap and the battery compartment pops out – this holds three 393 cells, and takes upwardly a decent amount of the space in the tube.

The Misfit Ray looks different – assuming, even – just my honest starting time reaction was that it likewise looks a bit like something you might take to wear after a stint in prison; thankfully, though, an alarm doesn't sound when you take the Ray off your wrist.

It's also only halfway there in terms of comfort. Issues with wearables tend to centre around weight, skin-irritating straps and flat-out poor ergonomics. The Misfit Ray is pretty light, and the thin strap feels fine, but unless you similar your watches quite loose the main 'barrel' but isn't that comfortable.

Misfit Ray review

Every bit at that place's no curvature to its length, no flattening-out of its lesser, the surface area that actually rests confronting your wrist is quite small – and after a couple of days it had given me a sore wrist, evidently lightly bruising the meridian tissue.

This can be avoided by loosening the strap, simply information technology's a clear sign that the Ray is ergonomically poorer than something similar the Fitbit Flex or Sony SmartBand Talk SWR30, both of which are designed to follow the contours of your wrist, not actively disregard them.

Misfit Ray review

As you tin can probably tell by now, I'm non in dearest with the Ray's design. I like the bronze-inflected anodised stop to the aluminium, simply that bated it feels a lot similar strapping an AAA bombardment to your wrist. However, I practice appreciate how unlike information technology is to your everyday tracker.

Specs and functioning

The Misfit Ray is a rudimentary fettle tracker. Information technology only actually has 3 bits of important hardware at its disposal: a iii-centrality accelerometer, a Bluetooth connexion and a vibration motor.

These are at the heart of everything the Ray can do – and they reveal its limitations. The Ray can track your steps, it can track your sleep, and information technology'll buzz you to let you know you've received a call or text.

Note, though, that it is only calls and SMS messages on the notifications forepart – cypher else. As someone who tends to utilize WhatsApp rather than SMS texting, the alerts are largely useless.

Misfit Ray review

Ane of the neatest features of the Ray – in theory at least – is that it'll wake you up with a 'buzz' when information technology thinks you're in a light part of the slumber blueprint. This didn't always work for me, however. On a couple of occasions I've been woken by my regular phone warning rather than the Ray, either considering the vibration alarm failed to wake me up, or didn't go off at all.

And if I was using the tracker longer-term it'd probably end up on the bedside cabinet anyway. It's bigger than it appears in some photos, and acquit in mind that the cylinder office sticks out from your wrist by a practiced inch.

The Misfit Ray doesn't accept an altimeter, a eye charge per unit sensor or GPS, which means it can't accurately track your runs or hikes, and tin't differentiate betwixt you lot walking up stairs or on flat ground.

Misfit Ray review

On the fettle front, then, it's a pedometer, and little more. What elevates it above the sort of pedometer you lot might get at Poundland is the software. Misfit has a slick-looking app (iOS and Android) that keeps track of your activity across the days, weeks and months.

Rather than focusing on the verbal number of steps yous've done the app has its own points system, making you piece of work up to 1,000 points each solar day. I much prefer looking at number of steps when that'due south the simply recorded metric, and the app tells you lot this too, also as the estimated distance you've covered.

As with any wrist-worn tracker, don't wait slap-up accuracy from the Misfit Ray. The issue is obvious: nosotros don't merely motility our arms when we walk/run. Trackers like the Ray use algorithms to try to discount this sort of movement, but the Ray'south isn't all that clever.

Misfit Ray review

As a test I idea I'd see how many steps the Ray registered while I was rooted by to my chair, working – in about 20 minutes it had tallied 32.

Where trackers like the Misfit Ray tin can be useful is for making you a bit more than mindful of when your couch potato behind starts sprouting roots. In the Misfit app you lot can prepare the watch to give y'all a buzz when y'all've been sedentary for too long. Of course, you lot can go your telephone to practice the aforementioned affair, but it may prove useful for those in office jobs who don't keep phone in pocket all day.

You can also tap the Ray to have the LED indicate how near your daily target you lot are.

For a bit more than impetus to become off your backside, there's a social side to Misfit. You lot can compare your 'points' to those of Misfit-owning friends. That'due south only useful if y'all have some of those, of form, but Misfit tin likewise hook upward with Google Fit, the default Android fitness software if y'all accept an Android telephone rather than an iPhone.

Misfit Ray review

I savour low-level fitness tracking. Information technology's fun to encounter how much you actually movement during the twenty-four hours, and how far you really walked that Sabbatum you spent schlepping effectually the museum. Nevertheless, it'south non useful across that; if yous're grooming for a marathon (or fifty-fifty just a 5K), a GPS watch offers far more useful information.

Sleep tracking, every bit is mostly the case, doesn't actually offering much beyond the satisfaction of curiosity either. You go a graphic of bars that show yous when you lot're in periods of light and deep slumber, and when yous woke up completely. The Ray just needs the accelerometer for this, because it'southward all based on how much you move.

Compatibility and battery life

One feature of the Misfit Ray you might not like is that you have to manually sync the tracker to get an update on how you're doing – your phone and the ring aren't constantly talking to each other.

To do this you pull down on the screen in the app. For a tracker that wants to earn some attention, it may surprise that information technology actually wants to be ignored almost of the time.

Misfit Ray review

This lazy approach to syncing is used because the Ray has non-rechargeable batteries rather than a more usual li-on jail cell, and they demand to last as long as possible. The iii 393 batteries are effectively little, but thick and stubby, watch batteries, and are easy to replace.

These are meant to final upwards to six months, and will toll you around £6/$x to replace. Nonetheless, I'one thousand about certain this figure doesn't take into account using the Ray for frequent vibrate message alerts; a little vibrate motor volition use a reasonable amount of energy if it's firing off 100 times a day.

Either fashion, battery life is far longer than 95 percent of trackers – although bear in mind that this is a display-less, clock-less device.

The Misfit Ray works with Android phones running Android 4.3 or newer, and iPhones on iOS vii or newer – if you're running something older, maybe upgrading your phone should be a higher priority than ownership a Ray.

Andrew is a freelance journalist and has been writing and editing for some of the United kingdom's meridian tech and lifestyle publications including TrustedReviews, Stuff, T3, TechRadar, Lifehacker and others.


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